I recently saw an article in Business Week by Michael Grothaus, where he talked about all the things he learned by speaking less for a week. I have been in a variety of settings recently where I have intentionally pursued the same goal. There is a tendency to believe this verse is telling us that the righteous person’s mouth will bring forth great words of wisdom and refreshment to our souls. If you are like me, some of the most refreshing times in my life come when I am in a place of quiet and reflection. The truly wise person understands that and gives that gift at times. There is no doubt that all of us, especially me, need truly wise words to be spoken, and my spirit is always searching for someone to speak them into my story. Grothaus shared that during his week of speaking less, people assumed he was wise. They also valued what he said more when he spoke, and he learned the art of listening to learn. Listening to learn rather than to respond is an invaluable gift to others who have a desperate need to feel and be heard. Whatever your goal, God builds others up and brings wisdom and refreshment through a wise listener. Today, reflect the heart of Jesus and minister health to the soul of another; speak little and listen much. #BeTheEdge
“This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger;” James 1:19 NASB