Unlike other places where we read about “The Way” this particular use is all encompassing. Sometimes we see this phrase used about our individual walk or direction we are to follow, which implies that we live life in one of two ‘ways.’ Here it refers to the universe and His creation and the entire purpose and direction of God. Everything in all of space, time and creation has a role in the working out of God’s overall design. Therefore, as we live in His will and Truth, we walk in that designed purpose and enjoy the safety and presence of God, Himself. This reality is our story no matter what else is transpiring around us. It offers security and peace in calm or turbulent time, regardless. The opposite is also true. If we live and ‘walk’ out of sync with God’s overall design for creation and eternity, we will live, despite how it may temporarily appear different, a life of destruction. Here’s the point: we choose daily, even moment by moment, to walk in unity with God universe or in rebellion. Today, choose the path of the blameless. #BeTheEdge
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,” Romans 8:1 NIV