I love this verse. Looking for a way to succeed? Want to be refreshed? Here it is. This is God’s promise. Don’t miss it. We use to tell our children, especially at those time they felt like they didn’t have any friends, ‘Want a friend? Be a friend’. This verse has a similar feel to that basic truth. I eat lunch about once a week with a great group of business men. The average age I s about 70. Wherever we eat, when the meal is over, they share the bill. Without fail they have become the favorite group to serve wherever they go. The main reason is because as a group they are extravagant tippers. Sometimes as much as 50%. Around holidays they always take up a collection and give a big cash gift to their servers. I often watch them hand extra cash to the server individually as they leave as well. It is a great scene to watch. Not showy or flamboyant, just quiet and kind. The picture of refreshing in this verse is of a water fountain over flowing with fresh, cool water as it is continually filled from above. That is the image of God refreshing a generous follower. Today refresh and be refreshed. #BeTheEdge
“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16 NIV