Last month I told the story of the oldest known tree in the world and its elaborate root system in relation to this same verse. As much as I try not to reflect on the same verse often, I found another truth from this passage that reinforces the importance of being solidly established in God. Scripture tells us in many places that as we plant or establish our lives on God and His Word, we stand firm in a permanent way. He tells us we shall not be moved, that even the gates of hell itself will not stand against us and on and on. It is one of the greatest truths that carries us through difficult times. If life is not progressing the way you want it is powerful to know we stand firm in Him. No matter what this world throws at you, as long as you have your life built upon the Rock (His Truth), nothing can knock you down. Evil is changeable. It moves around, unsecured by anything because only God offers permanence. Evil seeks its own with no boundaries or core. Righteousness lives steady and established regardless of the whims and pressures of the day. Righteousness sleeps peacefully at night while wickedness is always scheming and reviewing its lies and deceptions. Today, love boldly, rooted in the truth of your Savior. #BeTheEdge
“…upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” Jesus
Join us this morning for the 5-minute weekly BeTheEdge challenge call at 7:50am CST. Dr Dean Collins, President of Point University will be sharing. Click to join our scheduled Zoom meeting.