It is helpful to remember that when Solomon wrote his 5000+ proverbs he ruled over a peaceful, prosperous kingdom. He had time to reflect on all he had learned from his father, the priests and prophets and others while he ruled in what was truly “the best of times”. Not so for his father. Much of what we see in Psalms fluctuates between highs and lows. This very much was a picture of David’s journey. One reason I have spent years starting each day in the corresponding chapter of Proverbs is because, with the unpredictability of life, I never know when I will need to rely on a deep settled truth being present in my spirit and mind. Gods revelations come clearest in life’s storms but His firm foundation is laid in the calm. Jesus tells us as much when He reminds us of the houses built on sand or the Rock. When the storm hits, He tells us, our foundation better already be laid on The Rock or it will be swept away and the destruction will be great. David learned that on the run, although he certainly carried pieces of it from his slingshot experience. Solomon pondered it in the peace. Whichever circumstance you find yourself in today know that He stands ready to hold you fast. Today continue building your story on Him and hang on tight. #BeTheEdge
“Judah and Israel lived in security, every man under his vine and fig tree [in peace and prosperity], from Dan [in the north] to Beersheba [in the south], during all the days of Solomon.” 1 Kings 4:25 AMP