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Proverbs 13:25 NIV

This is a comparison between honest poverty and dishonest wealth. It is not contrasting poverty and wealth as such. Ultimately Solomon wants us to understand that dishonest wealth is one of the most dissatisfying circumstances one can find themselves in. I have met with wealthy individuals who were some of the most miserable people on earth. In the same vein I’ve spent time with lots of people of humble means who love their life and their journey. It’s not that the volume of food is necessarily different. It is a supernatural fact that the hunger of the lost is never satisfied while the faithful find their basic needs satisfied because they are not chasing another hunger with physical food. When I was lost I seemed to be looking for temporal things to satisfy my longings. I would put away 3 or 4 Whoppers and a half dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts in an attempt to fill my perceived longing. Eventually I learned the truth that Pascal touched on when he described the God shaped vacuum in all of us that can only be filled by Him. He said humanity pursues anything they can think of to fill it and nothing does. At least not until we realize it can only be filled by God’s Spirit. The hunger is a gift that points us toward our savior. Today let The bread of Life satisfy your deepest desires. #BeTheEdge

“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” Jesus