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Proverbs 18:12 NIV


It can be very easy to become prideful. Do a good job, win an event, receive recognition for just about anything. I remember playing in a tennis tournament. I beat the number one seed and did not mind letting my friends know. The next march was against a much younger unranked player who I knew I would beat in my way to the semifinals. You guessed it. I watched the semis from the bleachers kind of hiding my head in my pullover. The bigger the accomplishment the father the fall. Granted a junior tennis tournament is not a particularly big deal but as a 14 year old it seemed pretty big. I would challenge all of us to consider what we see as wins in our own life. How have we internalized them? Do we feel we out performed others to get it? Do we see it as an opportunity for the public to get an impressive look at our skills? How we see our success has a lot to do with our vulnerability to fall. Recognizing that, as scripture tells us, all good things come from above is a great place to start in our journey to embrace true humility. God grants successes to give or enlarge our platform to point others toward Him. It is wonderful to celebrate and feel good about successes that matter. It’s just critical in our representation of God to humbly remember that, except for His hand in our journey they don’t happen. Today work hard, be diligent, pursue His calling in your story with excellence and remain humble.#BeTheEdge


“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James‬ ‭4‬:‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬