Over the years there have been some amazing gifts given–everything from a Greek Island to a white elephant to the city of Savannah. Yep, on December 22, 1864, General Sherman sent Lincoln a telegraph with the message: “I beg to present you, as a Christmas gift, the city of Savannah, with 150 heavy guns and plenty of ammunition, and also about 25,000 bales of cotton.” However no gift compares to the one we celebrate on Christmas Day. The greatest gift ever given was the flawless, innocent son of God by His Father to each of us. Like all other gifts it is not truly ours unless and until we reach out and accept it, or in this case opening our hearts, acknowledging it, and receiving it. Every other gift ever given has or will pass away. The gift of eternal life in heaven with our creator God is incomprehensible as well as invaluable. No price can be placed on that gift; however we can receive it for nothing. That’s right, there is nothing you can pay, no act of righteousness you can do, no sacrifice you can make. Hey, this is really good news. Today celebrate! Be grateful for and freely share what has been freely given, Jesus and His love. #BeTheEdge
“…the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23b NIV.