Recently a pastor friend of mine moved on to another church. Shortly after, I began to hear disparaging comments about his leadership style from members of his former congregation. I confessed it was bewildering to me. A couple of months ago, I was meeting with my own pastor and mentioned this to him. He told me he had been through a similar experience and said that it’s easy to forget what that pastor had brought to the church that caused their phenomenal growth, both spiritually and numerically, and instead focus on his weaknesses, whatever they may have been. In hiring to the weaknesses with the next pastor they watched church membership begin to decline. In the Kingdom, we do not expect accolades or honors. We realize that all that is accomplished is a gift from God. However, as Solomon says, we need to be careful not to thrust aside or criticize God’s men and women as they move on. They still have a vital role in God’s plan. Today, find a way to show respect for someone God has used in your life or community as His salt and light. #BeTheEdge
“The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.” 1 Timothy 5:17 NASB