There is a series of movies and a TV show that is based completely on a group of people doing things that put their life and health at great risk. A number of those involved have suffered broken bones, lost teeth and other serious physical injuries. The purpose of the show is obviously to make money proving that some people will do almost anything for money. The show and movies all begin with a strong “don’t attempt these acts at home” warning. Sadly that warning is necessary. People have died attempting to recreate some of the shows antics. I’ve intentionally not shared the name of this franchise for multiple reasons. In this verse Solomon talks about that person who knowingly subjects themselves to the degradation and abuse they suffer as a result of their abuse of alcohol. He tells us not only of the level of abuse but the absurdity of them waking from their stupor and going out looking to repeat it. It has been easy for me as a non drinker to shake my head and consider that person pathetic. In studying this verse I’ve come to realize that we are all capable of behavior that costs us physically, mentally and spiritually. It may be as simple as what we watch and listen too that undermine the mind of Christ or even habits that take a toll on us. Whatever it is we look just as pathetic in God’s eyes as this drunk fool does to us. Today consider how you live and be sure all your behavior reflects the God you serve. #BeTheEdge
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,” Ephesians 5:15 NIV