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Proverbs 24:30 NIV

Interestingly Solomon was not out to check on the field’s that were providing for the people of his kingdom. He noticed this field neglected and the protective fence in disrepair on the course of his journey. He spotted that the soil was good but it was just growing weeds. Only growing weeds. Not a single useful bushel of produce for sustenance. If there was anything edible there it would have been a waste because the wildlife would have eaten it since there was no fence or rock wall protecting it. This is a sad picture of a life ignored. Families can reflect this lazy neglectful attitude. Businesses also can reflect this attitude. Actually, everything that is overseen by a lazy, neglectful person or team will see no fruit in their fields and predators making off with whatever they have of real value. In the most extreme cases it can be the life or morals of a child or spouse. The evil one is here to hurt, seriously hurt, those who are not diligent in their calling and responsibilities. When we are lazy in our calling we are not the only one who suffers. The reason the king is concerned is because the whole community and even the world suffers as a follower of God drops the ball. Jesus clearly told us that He offers rest, relaxation and recreation to His followers. Today let’s earn that break. #BeTheEdge


“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…”Ecclesiastes‬ ‭9:10 NIV