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Proverbs 25:16 NIV

Luke is the only place in scripture where we learn about Jesus the teenager. My ministry strategy for over 40 years has found a foundation in that verse that is reflected throughout Scripture. It is also instrumental in the truth Solomon shares in this verse. It can be summed up in the word, or more importantly, the biblical concept of balance. Some honey is great. Too much honey will make you sick. ‘Relevant Bible’ puts it this way: “There is wisdom in not hoarding wealth but in being generous, there is wisdom in working and still finding enjoyment in life, and there is wisdom in laboring for the kingdom but also taking time to rest in the embrace of Christ.  It is easier to endure over the long haul if we do not overcommit ourselves, do not push ourselves too hard too fast, and make sure to take time to invest in the different stewardships and relationships that God has given us in life.  The “honey” of life will keep being delightful when taken in proper portions and in balance”.  Jesus grew as a balanced individual. He grew mentally, physically, socially and spiritually. His example is perfect for us. Today look at your check book, debit card report and calendar and make sure they represent God’s balance in the life you’ve been give. #BeTheEdge


“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke‬ ‭2:52‬ ‭NIV‬‬