You probably already know how Coca-Cola and Montgomery Ward contributed mightily to what we know of the modern Christmas season. You might be less familiar with what the Christmas wreath originally meant – the Crown of Thorns and drops of blood from the Passion story. Or how about this life-saving gift? “During World War II, The United States Playing Card Company joined forces with American and British intelligence agencies to create a very special deck of cards and gave them out as Christmas gifts, that also helped allied prisoners of war escape from German POW camps. Individual cards peeled apart when moistened, to reveal maps of escape routes.” There are these and many other great obscure Christmas stories. It can be fun to dig them up and get a fuller and cooler look at some of the reasons we do and see what we do at Christmas time each year. In the same way it can be fun (really, it is incumbent upon us) to dig and search out the deeper truths about the visit of the divine, eternal God to our home planet and the ramifications every element of this miracle has on our life and eternity. It’s even more impressive and lifesaving than the deck of cards story. However, all the trappings and celebrations of the Christmas season might still blind us from the Truth that waits to be revealed. For years, we insisted on reading the story out of Luke about the birth of our Savior before going to bed and preparing for Christmas morning. We also started the morning with a prayer of thanks to God for the great gift of Jesus and salvation before our gifts or stockings were explored. At our lunch we always had a birthday cake for Jesus and sang Happy Birthday to our Lord. It helped us keep the purpose in focus. #BeTheEdge
“But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10-11 NASB