An 1886 fable by Leo Tolstoy titled ‘Ivan the Fool’ “describes the struggles of three brothers and a sister with the Old Devil. Although the story is usually considered a children’s fairy tale it is also used as an indication of Tolstoy’s political leanings in support of Christianity. Though his brothers are easily tempted by money and military power, unsophisticated Ivan, with his simple way of life, defeats the treacherous devil. Ivan eventually becomes the ruler of the country despite the lack of a standing army or currency. All of the citizens are welcome at Ivan’s table, where workers are fed first and intellectuals (those without calluses on their hands) have to eat the leftovers.” Today’s Proverb is full of descriptions and comparisons to fools. God considers the label “fool” to be very serious. Jesus, in Matthew 5, said calling someone a fool makes you worthy of the fires of hell. It’s not a label to be taken lightly. Solomon is very clear about what foolish behavior looks like. Today we seem to have an abundance of fools, judging by the behavior evidenced in the media and in reality, around us every day. The caution from Scripture is to examine our behavior by this standard and be sure we are more like Ivan than his siblings. Today, learn God’s wisdom and live wisely. #BeTheEdge
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise” Ephesians 5:15 NIV