“Heaven and earth fight in vain against a dunce.” (Horace). Insinuated into this verse is not only the futility of trying to educate or help a foolish person but the fact that damage is also done to the spirit of the one who would continue to try. The picture given here is somewhat violent. When the grain is ground or brayed the process involves crushing it to separate the wheat from the husks. No matter how violently or determined the attempt to correct the attitude, thinking or behavior of a foolish person it is useless when it is a part of the nature of that person. Broken people, which we all once were, will behave broken to some extent. Recently when a friend commented in awe about how badly someone acted I would be reminded that lost people act like lost people, why would we expect different. One of the differences between a good community program for kids and ministries like church youth groups is that the one is working to help prepare them to be good citizens. A wonderful goal with many stories of success. However, the other is designed to see those young men and women come to Christ and have Him conform them to His mage. The result should be a good citizen but through the Holy Spirits power they will be transformed and it will be lasting and a much more encompassing change. We know change can be hard. The only really lasting change that matters begins when a person moves from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light. That only occurs through becoming a follower of Christ and receiving the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Today allow God’s power to continue to change you. #BeTheEdge
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV