I’ve always said my best staff hires were F.A.T. people. Before I get in trouble let me explain the acronym. Faithful, Available and Teachable people have made the best staff I’ve had over my 40 years of leading teams. If any of the three are missing I would have been wise to not hire them no matter how strong they were in the other two areas. Of the three, the employee who only made themselves available, but not faithful or teachable tended to not last long. Recently, I hired someone who looked good as a candidate and was available, mainly because she could not get a job anywhere else. I yielded to the need for staff at the moment, and my heart felt for her and her situation. I will regret that hire for my remaining years. That being said, the lesson learned was that people who desire wisdom and are teachable tend to be positive, hardworking, available, and faithful. You see, if they desire wisdom, God promises that He stands ready to give all we could ask for. He also promises that as we acquire wisdom, we are changed into the image of the One who created us. Who could make a better part of your team or traveling companion in this journey of life? Today, seek wisdom and those who desire that journey as well. #BeTheEdge
“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5 NASB