I don’t always live like it, but it is a powerful truth that God’s word has a track record. Never, and I emphasize never, I mean seriously ponder that, never has God’s word not proven infallible. Never. Through thousands of years, two thousand regarding just the New Testament, God’s word has never ever been proven untrue or unfaithful. New discoveries in archeology and other sciences always seem to end up supporting some previously doubted part of scripture. We can put the entire weight of our present and future squarely on God’s word and have complete faith that it is secure. Are you getting my emphasis here? I often live as though I have at least an inkling of doubt that that is the case, but in my heart of hearts and deep in the corners of my soul I know it is true. The problem seems to be that I live at times by what I see, feel, and hear from other sources. When I do that it allows untruth, Satan’s voice, to slip into my mind and interrupt God from speaking truth and power to my circumstances. Maturity is growing in knowledge and understanding of God’s word and promises so that when anything else speaks confusion, fear, or doubt into my story I recognize it for what it is. Today, use the filter of God’s truth and His unblemished Word to guide your heart and mind as you live in the reality of His sovereign design. #BeTheEdge
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalms 119:105 NASB