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Proverbs 3:26 NIV

Literally the Lord will be your source of confidence so that you will stand firm and not get tripped up as you walk in intimate fellowship with him. Solomon talks about the Lord being at our side. I’m amazed at how quickly I forget the truth of that principle. As a follower of God, who not only has His spirit living in me, but who allows me to live in Him, He is truly always beside me. The word for the Holy Spirit, used by John in scripture, is the word Paraclete. As in parachurch, the word para means to come alongside. God walks truly alongside us every moment of every day of our journey. Whether we acknowledge it or not, it is still true. And whether we acknowledge it or not will determine if we live and operate in the power that that truth represents in our journey. Our tendency to think of him alongside us often sees Him in a judgmental capacity. That he travels alongside to catch us doing wrong. That is a sad misinterpretation of this truth. He travels alongside as our helper, our protector, our source of strength and guidance. We literally just need to acknowledge it, and allow him to be who He is in the journey. We get to rest in and rely on that intimate presence step-by-step. Even to the point we see expressed in the famous poem “Footprints in the Sand”. He not only walks with us, but there are critical times when we can’t even walk and He carries us. What a beautiful picture. What a powerful verse. What a spectacular truth. Today recognize who is ever present at your side and lean on and find your rest in Him. #BeTheEdge

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—” Jesus