A quick test: Have you told people more often this month who to vote for or about knowing Jesus? Which is more important? Your answer to the first question probably reveals the answer to the second. Does your profile pic or comments promote your choice for politician or Savior? I could go on and on, but my intent is not to guilt or shame anyone. Hey, I’m not even suggesting you were not led by God to promote your views. I probably am suggesting that in your life you should much more often promote Him. Let your light shine in such a way and all that, right? Here’s the thing. Your candidate or cause might lose. Does that indicate God’s loss of control? It may appear to a lost world that your God has not come through. We know that’s not true, but if we have promoted people and causes above Him how is the lost observer to know? There needs to be no doubt, by our actions more than even our words, that our faith and trust is soundly in our Creator and Sovereign King. I have lived long enough to see my candidates win and lose. The constant is that God has always shown Himself to be who He has always been. No election result changes that, ever. Not even today! Today, speak a word for your King and rest in His control. #BeTheEdge
“But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.” Psalms 73:28 NIV