I love the 4th of July as much as anyone. As a matter of fact, maybe more than some these days. I am one who has no doubt that God had His hands on the founding of the United States of America. With the risk of being misunderstood I will tell you that I am not convinced God has His hand on everything this country does these days. That being what it is, a couple weeks ago I received a call from a Bishop W. in Kenya. He wanted to thank The Edge ministry for these daily devotions that had been recommended to him from a friend. During the course of our call he invited us to come to Kenya and teach a group of pastors under his leadership. In researching the country one of our board members and I discovered that they are an 85% Christian nation. Some quick math, the only kind I’m capable of, made it clear that that is a much higher percentage then we have in the US. Obviously that alone doesn’t make a country Christian, I’m not entirely sure “nations” can even be called Christian. I’m pretty sure Jesus didn’t die for a nation. Thankfully He did die for and rules over a Kingdom. That is what really matters isn’t it. A few weeks after that call I had a pretty intricate surgery. Not long following the surgery Bishop W. called to see how it went and to let me know that the church in Kenya was praying during my surgery and for my healing. A national minister in The Gambia West Africa sent me the same message. Freedom is a kingdom that knows no earthly boundaries, borders or limits and is ruled by a King of limitless love, power and presence. Today celebrate the freedoms afforded as citizens of our land, the sacrifices made to secure them for us as well as the Kingdom which knows no bounds. #BeTheEdge
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” Galatians 5:1 NIV