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Proverbs 5:20 NIV

Solomon is asking why damage your soul, your life and your walk with God when you can have these things with your own spouse. This verse is more importantly dealing not with the avoidance of sin or the proper relationship with our spouse as much as it’s calling us to our proper response as child of God. Of course we have a commitment to maintain a right relationship with our spouse but that doesn’t even begin to compare to the commitment we have to God in living rightly in marriage and all our relationships. That commitment to Him supersedes any other commitment we believe we have made. If our responsibility to God, in all things does not come first we can always find a way out of our other commitments. Unfaithfulness by the other person, mistreatment, or a variety of other things can make us question if we need to maintain a commitment. Sometimes those can even be legitimate. But before we consider them, we must always start with the fact that our first and foremost commitment is to our King and our God. Today honor your commitments to Him and allow that to guide all your others. #BeTheEdge

“And may your hearts be fully committed to the Lord our God, to live by his decrees and obey his commands, as at this time.” 1 Kings‬ ‭8‬:‭61‬ ‭NIV‬‬