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Proverbs 6:20 NIV

Got a bible sitting on the shelf? We all have one around the house. Maybe the old family bible. One thing Solomon makes very clear, actually most of the Bible keeps a running theme about this, is that God’s word is useful in every area at every moment in our lives. I had an interaction today with a few folks about how to deal with anxiety. The question was what do you find most helpful in dealing with anxiety. I shared that years ago I committed Philippians 4:6-7 to mind and have either called on it or watched the Spirit bring it to mind many times over my life to remind me of how to defeat anxiety. The presence of God’s word not on our shelves, coffee table or even desk but dwelling in our heart and mind is the key to what Solomon, Paul and Jesus want us to grasp. Gods word is a guide, a lamp, a source of power, strength and supernatural intervention in the routine struggles of life on this planet. Jesus called on scripture to defeat Satan in the desert. If Jesus needed His Father’s words in His journey on this planet how much more do we? It not only guides us but it also guards us. If you are uncertain if you need a guard in your life just watch the news for a moment and reflect on the spiritual warfare going on around you. Today dig into Gods word and allow it to dig deep into you. #BeTheEdge


‬ “but the word of the Lord endures forever.” And this is the word that was preached to you.” 1 Peter‬ ‭1:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬