Easter time is a good time to reflect on death. Not fixate on it but certainly reflect on it. There is a fear among certain demographics that their life is at great risk. By being old, having diabetes or high blood pressure, the odds of dying if you contract Coronavirus goes way up. Sounds like a legitimate fear. The message for me this Easter season is twofold. One, resurrection requires for there to be a death. That seems obvious but consider it for a moment. Not just a wounding or brokenness, both of which are certainly parts of many peoples’ journey. No, nothing short of stone-cold death is required for genuine, renewed, new-birth level resurrection. You must completely die to yourself, completely. Two, there has to be a resurrector, probably not a real word, but you get it. Resurrection requires an all-powerful, death-conquering, life-giving Savior. We, ourselves, dabble in salvation at times. We play around the edges of faith but sometimes we simply refuse to die, or at least let our will die. God only raises the dead. The Degarmo & Key band sang, “Some say a God helps those who help themselves, but I say God helps the helpless and leaves the rest to help themselves.” Today, allow God to kill anything in you that is not of Him, and He will resurrect Himself in its place. Then, rest in His peace regardless of what is happening around you. #BeTheEdge
“I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Galatians 2:20 NASB