“A man has joy in an apt answer, and how delightful is a timely word!” Proverbs 15:23 NASB
It’s amazing how busy a person can get while being “safer at home” during the Covid 19 pandemic. My routine quickly developed. Up early, get lots of ministry needs and goals handled by midafternoon, start running socially distanced and ministry related projects. Settle in for promoting the digital release of our documentary then grab some streaming diversion, myself. Rinse and repeat. I’m on the phone a good bit checking in on The Edge company leaders and setting up Zoom challenges. I love my job. However, it has become easy to lose touch with those who are fellow travelers and friends – the ones whose company I simply enjoy. As I’m writing this, I just had a tweet from Coach Gene Chizik flash on my screen. “Some people talk to you in their free time….and some free time to talk to you…. Huge difference… Never take true friendship for granted!!!!!! #WordsofChizdom” Exactly! Today, free up the time, the Lord has someone who needs a word of encouragement and compassion from you at this moment. #BeTheEdge