I was looking at a list of bad decisions in preparing for today’s devotional thought. Here are a few: driving drunk; jumping into the water without knowing how deep it is; cheating on taxes, or breaking the law in any other kind of way; taking on a huge debt just to enjoy a lavish lifestyle; quitting your job without having a strategy of what you will do next; stealing at your job or cheating at your company in any other way. Those are a few things we can decide to do in a moment that can have a long term negative impact on our journey. The thing that most of these have in common is that the consequences don’t occur in a vacuum. Almost all of them have a very bad impact on others, especially those closest to the decision maker. Solomon knew well the impact of his father, David’s decisions in choosing disobedience in dealing with his mother, Bathsheba, and her husband. It literally led to the death of a fine, loyal, and brave man. In the same way, wise choices have a very positive impact not just on our life but on those closest to us, as well. Thinking about those you love and care about needs to be ever present in our decision making. For Christ followers that should be everyone. Being wise is a gift we give others as well as ourselves. Today, bless others and make wise, God honoring choices. #BeTheEdge
“… not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Philippians 2:4 NIV