Want to know what’s hard? Living with me. I know it. Heck, it’s even hard for me at times. Ask my parents, my college roommates, my kids or my wife. I can be annoying at best and ornery at worst (actually that may not even be the worst). Before there are too many ‘amens!’ Let me assure you that you are too. Yep. I haven’t even lived with you and I can state that confidently. I know this because we are all victims, and at times willing participants, in the broken nature caused by our great, great, (add many more greats) granddaddy Adam. Like it or not we are all flawed, deeply flawed. As a result we will struggle at times to be the Christ-like recreations God has called us to be. It is admirable for us to learn, change and grow. But, until we are brought home to His eternal kingdom, we will still be less than perfect. The only way we avoid killing one another or at least writing each other off is love. God given, supernatural love. Thankfully God did not only model unconditional love for a lost, sinful, broken world He also empowered us through His indwelling Spirit to give the same thing to others. My God given love for my wife and kids carries us through the human struggles we all, yep I said we all, deal with. It’s why they continue to love my broken self as well. Today allow God to love those you are with and those you encounter through you. It will change you and it will heal your world. #BeTheEdge
“bearing graciously with one another, and willingly forgiving each other if one has a cause for complaint against another; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so should you forgive.” Colossians 3:13 AMP