When COVID began its reign as the pandemic monster of 2020 an amazing phenomenon happened. Within about a week you could not find toilet paper anywhere. My wife actually came home with two mega packs of it. Yep, we contributed to the hysteria. Believe it or not a little over a year later we finally had to restock. We also bought a few products to have on hand in case anyone in the family caught the virus. Thankfully no one did and I’m not sure if a few of these boxes will ever be opened. Solomon and Timothy both compliment the person who stores up Gods wisdom. Growing in His wisdom may not be applicable to our life at the very moment we learn it but having it in our heart and mind, instantly available at the moment it’s needed, is judicious and essential. Those who did not get even a basic amount of TP during the early run on the product began offering all kinds of things to those who would share theirs. We can certainly share the wisdom we have received from God but it is much better to have it readily available in our own heart and mind at a moment’s notice. Today ponder Gods truth and let it dwell deeply in your soul. #BeTheEdge
“In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.” 1 Timothy 6:19 NIV