“In 1944 a songwriter named Alan Roberts wrote a hit song based on a line from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: “Be still, sad heart! and cease repining / Behind the clouds is the sun still shining / thy fate is the common fate of all / Into each life some rain must fall / Some days must be dark and dreary.” (Fathers Heart Ministry 9/20). Psalms tells us that even though every life experiences rain and at times even window rattling storms God protects those who trust Him and will allow no evil to enter their lives. Those things taken in the storms, ie. job, money, a loved one, are always done under the watchful care of our savior. One of my favorite Billy Grahsm quotes, and there are many, is, “God never takes away something from your life without replacing it with something better.” That is good news and something powerful to hang onto in your storm. A number of year’s ago I was deceptively undermined in a job. As result I found myself hanging onto only the powerful promises of God. Out of that experience was birthed the ministry I’ve been called to lead today. In reflection it is obvious that the storm created by others was never a conference to God’s plan and call on my life. Today watch closely as God works unimpeded in your story regardless of what swirls around you. #BeTheEdge
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14 NIV