This verse tells of the person who is slow to listen and quick to speak as opposed to the person James commends who is quick to listen and slow to speak. I have shared before that early in my journey I realized that whenever I was talking I wasn’t learning. Even though I tend to process information verbally I definitely need smarter people speaking regularly into my story if I am to truly grow and learn. Solomon let’s us know that the wise not only accept commands, they hear them. You see if you are “prattling on” or a chattering fool you do not hear the instruction of others. Another key difference between the two in this verse is that the wise of heart exhibits a level of humility that is replaced by conceit and pride in the fool. It is another clear example of God’s wisdom as opposed to the worlds. Where the world is always expecting the wise to talk, even ramble on, God’s wise listen and learn reserving their sharing of wisdom for impactful moments with intentional listeners. Wordsworth differentiates these as the solid in soul and the loose or lips. Today listen for wise direction from the heart of God’s humble leaders. #BeTheEdge
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”James 1:19 NIV