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Proverbs 11:17 NIV


The older I get the more convinced I am that the most powerful behavior in the world is kindness. Maybe because it seems to be less obvious than it use to be. Having said that I am also convinced that there is more kindness being practiced than most of us realize. There doesn’t seem to be profit to those spreading “news” on talking about the kind deed. Some of us remember during the pandemic lockdown when actor/director John Krasinski created a streaming show from his home called “Some Good News”. The show only reported good news and raised over $2 million for non profits. It was watched by millions. How about that? Good news about kind people worked. Solomon tells us being kind benefits the kind person as well as those they are kind to. I love that. Occasionally I will see someone with a shirt that simply says “Be Kind”. I’m a fan. A simple, gentle, might I say, kind, reminder for humanity of this truth. I’m speaking at a local high school Baccalaureate in a couple weeks and I’m feeling pretty strong that if I leave them with one valuable truth it is that God loves them and has a spectacular plan for their lives. But, the second flows from it and that is “go be kind” and change your world. The Edge companies and leaders are kind. Today be kind. #BeTheEdge


“But the fruit of the Spirit is…kindness….Against such things there is no law.”Galatians 5:22a-23b NIV