Have you ever touched a leper? Join the club – neither have I, at least not that I’m aware of, and I’m pretty sure I would have known if I had. Jesus did. We hear that and don’t really think much of it. It was Jesus, He touched everyone. That’s true. However, when He touched the leper in Mark Chapter 1, He broke the rules, that is unless He was who He said He was. You see, the kindness Solomon refers to here was demonstrated by Jesus more than anyone else. Jesus was kind to everyone, especially those we were told not to be kind to. Lepers had to go through life with their faces covered, loudly proclaiming “unclean” as they walked around. They were forbidden by law from touching or being touched. If they were married, they could never touch, hug, or kiss their spouse or children. It was a life of total physical isolation. Into this life Jesus, himself, reached out and touched. And healed. Look around. There is a planet of perceived untouchables around you. You are programmed to not touch them with your caring eyes, your kind voice, your giving spirit or a compassionate hug. They are not like you – worth what you are worth, clean, smelling good, or a hundred other things that leave them feeling isolated from you. Today, be intentional – cross those phony boundaries and be kind. It will bless them, but it truly will bless you as well. #BeTheEdge
Join Dean Collins, President of Point University, as he shares this morning for the 5-minute weekly BeTheEdge Challenge Call at 7:50am CST. Click https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86786035007?pwd=dS8zdFlsbXFjMkM1SmtmazI2aytHQT09