The genealogy of Jesus at the beginning of the account of His birth has some interesting theological value. However, the more practical value is its immediate implication for us today. When I first moved to a small town in Alabama it was not uncommon to hear people ask, “Who’s his granddaddy?” Typically, it was when they were trying to place whether they knew someone or their family. “Who’s his granddaddy” could also provide a hint as to whether they were a good person or not. Not the most accurate way to judge a person to be sure, but an interesting way to assess a person’s character. As a sociologist, I was surprised at how often it gave a fairly accurate look at someone. Abraham, David, and Solomon are a few notables on Jesus’ “family tree.” So, what does that mean to us? As adopted children of God we take on a new lineage that gives us absolute assurance of delivery, salvation, and rescue. Today, celebrate your Sonship in God, and live like a child of the eternal King.