This is referring to sinful men who try to entice others into their sinful ways with them. It is another of the places where Solomon makes it clear that we are in danger if we keep the wrong company. The reminder that “corrupt company corrupts.” These people he specifically tells us are lying in wait to attack innocent people. The lost person does not want to suffer alone. They want to drag others into suffering or even put them in worse pain. Paul refers to this person lying in wait to shed a persons blood in Romans 15. Both are referring specifically to roadside robbers. The other side of this attitude is seen in the Gospel story we refer to as “the Good Samaritan”. Jesus speaks of the robber briefly. He spends more of His parable on those who avoid helping those hurt by these evil people. Mostly though introduces us to the Samaritan who represents the follower of Christ, who gives of his time and resources to minister to the victim. As with some much of the gospel, Jesus knows God followers have Solomon’s caution to avoid traveling through life in partnership with evil people and He goes beyond those instructions. For us it is not enough just to avoid bad behavior. He calls us to have feet that rush to do good, to bless and heal. Today seek out opportunities to bless the hurting. #BeTheEdge
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 NIV