So I’m a hunter. I use that term very loosely. I’ve been know to go into the woods with my camo on and my rifle. However m, I’m typically asleep within minutes of taking my seat. There is nothing like a nap in the woods. That being said I’m very familiar with the idea of spreading corn to attract game to a specific area. Before I get pushback I’m aware that it is not legal to hunt where the corn is still present. In this verse Solomon is referencing that idea when he talks about spreading a net where the prey can see it. The net has bait in it. In the same way he warns us that only foolish people are not aware of the traps of sin spread before them. We have warnings and cautions before we step into the seductive temptations of sin. First the voice of the indwelling Holy Spirit whispers (or shouts) to warn us. There is also the awareness of experience to remind us to avoid those things we have seen lead to destruction before. And there is our history with individuals we know are prone to lead us, or others, into settings where sin is lying in wait to snare us. It is a foolish bird and an even more foolish person who sees or senses a trap and walks into it anyway. Today utilize the resources God has blessed you with to avoid sin. #BeTheEdge
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”” Isaiah 30:21 NIV