This is definitely going to be an important month. For so many reasons, we need God’s hand on our journey. Individually and as a society we seem to need God’s truth guiding our hearts and minds. Professor Warren Wiersbe made this observation about knowing wisdom. “We’re living in the ‘information age,’ but we certainly aren’t living in the ‘age of wisdom.’ Many people who are wizards with their computers seem to be amateurs when it comes to making a success out of their lives.” If you doubt this, take five minutes to peruse social media or even media in general. There’s a ton of information being offered, but very little of it is offering wise counsel. As we begin a new month through Proverbs, let me encourage you to follow the original intent of this small devotion. Read the entire chapter for the day as well as the thought from an individual verse. Often this short devotional is based on the verse’s context within the chapter, as well. Also, I encourage you to spend more time in the other books of the Bible, perhaps the words of Jesus in the Gospels this month, as the world inundates us with info that lacks God’s wisdom. Then you will walk in peace and victory regardless of what transpires around you. Today, let Him influence your mind and heart with His wisdom. #BeTheEdge
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3 NIV