An old saying about living by the truths of Gods word says, “If we spend our time doing the do’s we wouldn’t have time to do the dont’s” That’s certainly poor grammar but great truth. Solomon spends time in the first part of this chapter telling us how dangerous and foolish it is to listen to the advice of Satan. At this point He is now telling us how foolish and costly it is to ignore the wisdom of God. His word for wisdom here is actually the plural ‘wisdoms’. There are so many (infinite) wise truths God shares with us in so many ways. That’s why pursuing and living by Gods wise counsel is an exciting, never ending journey. Not only does He provide wise guidance for all situations He provides fresh wisdom for every opportunity and season of life. Some wisdom is ageless. Such is the advice to “be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James). By contrast, the wisdom He offers for parenting a two year old is not the same as the wisdom He offers for grand parenting a two year old. I have a reminder on my phone every morning to pray for Gods wise counsel to guide my story every day. Today pray for Gods wisdom to guide your story. #BeTheEdge
“Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Jesus