I would never despise God’s Word…intentionally. I was reading Jesus’s words in Matthew 18 just a moment ago. He is pretty clear that for as much as God has forgiven me, and goodness knows that’s a bunch, I certainly need to forgive those who are doing wrong to me. I’m sure I will but I don’t want to right now. I mean they are unbelievable in how they are wronging me at the moment, right? Jesus is very clear – forgive now. I’m very stubborn. Not yet, Lord. Despising His Word? I have to admit, I think so. When God says go, do, or be and I don’t, in essence I’m despising His Word. That is not a good place to be. Somewhere in the list of synonyms for despise is the perfect word to describe my heart of disobedience to God’s command or instruction. As I read what awaits my disobedience it becomes clear that not only is forgiveness the right response, unforgiveness is a dangerous way to live. Today, revere and obey God’s word and relax.