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Proverbs 13:12 AMP

Every so often I feel led to share about a verse that I’ve tended to skip over. Usually it’s been because the verse seems so basic that I think no one really needs an insight or challenge from me about that particular verse. This is one of those verses. Not having a desire fulfilled in a timely manner is no fun, it can be downright painful. Then when fulfilled we excitedly celebrate. The return of Jesus should be like that for His followers. Not to the point of depression or despair but we certainly should long for it. As His followers we are built to long for it. One of my favorite C. S. Lewis quotes is, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” What a simple yet profound truth. Seriously, let your mind ponder the fullness of that truth for a moment. There is, built into each of us, a longing for the eternal. We may only catch glimpses of it. At a seashore at sunrise, at the birth of a child, maybe even at the passing of an elder saint we bump into a glimpse of what is coming. The great challenge is to find the balance of enjoying the time here while He tarries and allowing the anticipation of His return to build with enthusiasm rather than despair. Today live boldly with an excited eye toward tomorrow. #BeTheEdge


“while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,” Titus‬ ‭2:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬