I’ve seen news stories telling us that gun sales around the country are higher than ever before. I read an article the other day about a group of ladies who all decided that, with the way the world is today, they needed to buy guns. Both of these show that people are frightened for their safety and feel the need to be able to protect themselves. Hey, it’s a frightening time. I’m not getting into pro or anti-gun opinions in this devotion. I’m just interested in us reflecting for a moment on where true safety is found. I hunt a little, but if I needed either of my hunting guns quickly, I’d be out of luck. I seldom remember exactly where they are and where the ammo is. What I do know is where my true safety lies. The Bible promises in many places that God’s looking out for me as I look to and live in the reality of His truth. He tells me how to live and walk wisely. As I do that and as I place my trust firmly in Him, He guarantees my safety. It’s not magic, it’s faith in His presence and power. There are many stories of His followers who found themselves in desperate situations and He orchestrated their rescue. He loves to rescue His children. Today, find your safety in the Hands of the Almighty and live in peace. #BeTheEdge
“He rescues and He saves; He performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.” Daniel 6:27 NIV