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Proverbs 14:26 NIV

I am a risk taker. I occasionally frighten some people close to me. I don’t jump out of planes or take dares. I move swiftly when I sense God’s leading. Occasionally I miss it. However, when God is leading waiting too long is a much worse option in my mind. The true secret to living boldly in the Kingdom is to learn to discern. This verse uses the idea of fearing the Lord as the foundation for safety and security that sets you free to be a bold follower. That’s a developed gift we all have access to. God speaks too all of His children. Most often it is in a still, small voice. As we learn to hear and respond to that voice, the Holy Spirit, we begin to recognize it more easily. Eventually it becomes a natural part of who we are and we walk in His leading throughout the day. As a result we see Him move in us, with us and through us. What a phenomenal gift. The realization that the God of the universe regularly communicates with you should blow your mind and excite you like nothing else. Our regular question to ourselves should be “What is the creator and sustainer of the universe saying to me now”. What a way to live. Today learn to discern and live it out while you live in security. #BeTheEdge

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” Jesus