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Proverbs 17:14 NIV

I recently watched an interview with a man who was talking about a recent disagreement with his wife. After sharing what the argument was about he was asked how it ended. The man said it turned out he was right. The interviewer rephrased his question by asking what the result was at the conclusion. The man stared at him a moment with a bewildered look and then slowly repeated, “I was right.” Oh and he mentioned his side was mad. How often do we enter an argument or bring up a point to show how much we know or to prove we are right? I don’t know about you but a number of years ago I realized that the answer to that question for me was that I did that way to often. In other words what I thought or knew really didn’t matter. It was not going to save a life or a soul. It usually was just going to make someone else mad. The other day I watched my 5 year old grandson hurt himself. As he was crying his 9 year old sister asked him if it would kill him. When he said no she said, “Ok big guy, stop crying.” If the safety of someone’s life, health or soul is not at risk feel free to engage in a discussion but if it turns into a conflict let it go. Jesus refused to get drawn into meaningless arguments. Today we should as well. #BeTheEdge


“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”James‬ ‭1‬:‭19‬ ‭NIV‬‬