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Proverbs 17:19 NIV

I saw a video the other day of a fight breaking out in the stands at a football game. The guy holding his phone and videoing the fight was talking excitedly and laughing at the people involved. I’m not sure I will ever understand someone who finds joy in another’s anger or pain. The only fights scripture encourages are battles against Satan and evil. Even in those we only fight in the strength, power and guidance of God. There are a lot of ways to chose a fight that are not as obvious as the one I watched on the video clip. I heard the other day about a businessman who loves to sue others. There are religious people (notice I said religious not Christ followers)who love quarrels about doctrine. There is the person who just loves to argue, they don’t even necessarily believe in the side they stake out in the argument.  As much as they may laugh it off as just having fun, it is often sin.  Causing strife or pain is never a sign of God or His followers at work. I am beyond dismayed and disappointed as I see friends and very committed followers of Jesus on every conceivable side of masking and vaxing who take pointed shots at the commitment to Christ of those who disagree. You may be right on the issue but still be bringing dishonor on the Kingdom of God. This can be true in any issue. The older I get the more I realize that all I know for sure is Jesus is who He said He was and I want to reflect Him in all I say and do. Today if you can’t walk away from a fight…do it anyway. #BeTheEdge


“They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.” 1 Peter‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭NIV‬‬