Years ago an old ER doctor told me that the percent of patients who come in on the weekends with illnesses related to recent or long term alcohol abuse may be pushing 90%. He also shared that I would be shocked by the number of young women who come in because someone put a drug in their drink. Both of these were just two of many life threatening activities taking place all around us. Students use to like telling me that God’s rules took the fun out of life and were way too restrictive. At times I would ask, “How do you feel about railings at the top of very high buildings”. They keep you from getting right in the edge of the roof and looking straight down. They also keep you from falling off the edge. I’d call that restrictive too. You see? God places, or makes available boundaries in our journey to keep us safe and help us successfully navigate this dangerous, fallen planet. We expect rebellious youth to test boundaries. I’m not sure why we accept that as ok. The Amish practice something known as Rumspringa”. “Essentially, this is a time when parents allow their young children (usually age 16) to leave the walls of the Amish community and see what outside life is like. After they’ve experienced it, they’ll have to make a choice as to whether or not they want to continue living the Amish lifestyle.” Seems a bit risky for a parent. God certainly gives us the freedom to choose but the consequences of bad choices are potentially deadly physically. More importantly if we stay away from Him it can lead to death eternally. As a parent with their unknowing child recognize the love in God’s instructions. Today walk safely and joyfully in His guidance and live. #BeTheEdge
“Follow my decrees and be careful to obey my laws, and you will live safely in the land.”Leviticus 25:18 NIV