This verse will typically come to us from two directions. One encourages us to see a tremendous opportunity for self-benefit. I mean let’s face it who would not give the Lord anything we have that He wants. This is the guy who took a few fish and loaves of bread and feed thousands with it. He can return anything we give Him in multiple. Want to borrow my car, Lord? Tomorrow I have a fleet of vehicles. While there is a degree of truth in this concept, what Solomon is really saying is how could we ever out-give God, and giving to God means helping those He sets in our path who have a need. Jesus told us the same truth when He said when we give to “the least of these we give to Him.” Very simply we can’t out-give God. I dare you to try. It would be fun. Today look for those in your story who could use a hand, and where you are able, or even almost able, help.