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Proverbs 20:9 NIV

Feel free to jump in here with a hearty, “not me!”. I know I need to. Of course we cannot say that. We are all broken children of our ancestors, Adam and Eve. Whenever I hear someone start blaming Adam and his Misses I let them know that if the two of them hadn’t initiated the whole sin journey you can be sure I would have. If flawlessness made it to me I would most certainly have messed it up. Don’t shake your head, you would have as well. As Paul said, thank goodness for the sinless Jesus to make the ultimate sinless sacrifice to restore our relationship with our creator. You see, in a very real sense God does see the followers of Jesus as clean and without sin. Not because of any effort on our part. When we came to Christ we were instantly clothed in His righteousness. No, we don’t fool God. He knows the condition we were in. It was His plan to send His son to clean our slate. Washed and restored, that’s His doing. Today celebrate His cleansing of your soul and live the life of the gratefully redeemed. #BeTheEdge


“for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” Galatians‬ ‭3:27‬ ‭NIV‬‬