As a former pastor I always found it useful to preach to a particular person in the congregation rather then generically to everyone. It tended to touch each individual in a way that felt more personal to them. I also wrote a letter to a couple thousand ministry supporters monthly for about 40 years. As I wrote each letter I started them with ‘Dear Wes’ then proceeded to write the letter to a long time friend named Wes. It tended to make the letter feel more personal and less generic as well. In this chapter Solomon makes a similar shift. Since chapter 10 he is speaking in general to everyone about doctrine now he shifts to addressing his teaching to his son, reader or hearer, more toward a particular individual. It is more personal and as such it is especially encouraging. He tells us personally that if we keep Gods truth front and center in our heart we will find His great joy is our constant companion. As I walk through “valleys of the shadow…” I can experience the deep abiding presence of God and His promises because I have committed His wisdom deep in my spirit. From that place the attacks and deceptions of the world cannot root out His reality. It is when we find ourselves in those hard times and can speak with confidence His truth, despite the circumstances we are in, that a watching world encounters not us but the God we know. This is a deeply personal experience in our story that defies explanation apart from the presence of the indwelling Creator and comforter. God allows His children to face every challenge the lost face. The difference is seen by a watching world as they witness the supernatural confidence His followers have in the midst of the pain and as we experience hope in the seeming hopeless times. Today hide His very personal word in your heart and allow your life to speak of His presence in the storm. #BeTheEdge
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV