Want to write a book? This verse almost writes it for you. Solomon covers a lot of ground in these 20 words. I can hardly do it justice in this brief thought but here goes. God’s word tucked away in your heart and mind as a comfort and guide is one of the greatest gifts you can walk through life with. It will bring peace in crisis. It will give strength in the struggle and provide an extra dose of celebratory adrenaline when celebrating life. Next it will guard what passes by your lips into a world where what you express can last for generations, for good or bad. It becomes an automatic filter and who truly wouldn’t benefit from a supernatural one of those. Supernatural because God’s word is living and active and can intercept or rewrite what leaves our mouth without our even planning it. It also gives context to experiences. When someone dies we see it from a whole different perspective than the one who hasn’t received the truth of eternity from God’s word. It kicks in at the moment of someone’s death and brings so much insight. When a win comes in our life it brings context that no matter how great the win or conversely how devastating the loss, neither experience defines the child of the eternal King of the universe. Today get His words deep into your story. #BeTheEdge
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”Psalms 119:105 NIV