“Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.” ― C.S. Lewis. I am often surprised by the things and lengths some people go to avoid the reality of who God is. They want (or think they want) so desperately to believe He is not real, and they don’t have to be accountable for denying Him, that they expose themselves and those around them to some awful and destructive things. It is heartbreaking to watch the suffering of parents, friends and others when someone’s pursuit of happiness and joy take them toward anything other than God. At the very least they come to the end of their life broken, sad, and empty. Oh, they may have wealth, stuff, and the appearance of success, but there are many who testify to the emptiness they end up feeling. Mistakes early in life steer many toward a change, hopefully toward God and not just a new direction leading to emptiness. Evil makes itself look appealing and presents itself as the answer to a felt need, otherwise no one would pursue it. Today, release anything that implies it will meet your needs other than God Himself and cling to your Creator tighter than ever before. #BeTheEdge