A young lady took her life the other day. Actually, many did. There are over 11 suicides an hour in the US and one every 40 seconds around the world. White middle-aged men have the highest suicide rate, and suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers. There are many 13 to19-year olds who look at the rest of their life and decide it’s not worth staying around for. The evil one has blinded so many eyes and hearts through his lies and deceptions. Our society puts so much value on stuff, appearance, achievements, and other temporary things that we can be fooled into believing the lie. Our value comes from the One who created us and the purpose He has given us. We are an eternal, supernatural creation created by an All-Powerful, All-Loving God who has placed His image in our soul. Today, treat others as that person and own that truth for yourself as well.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Jesus