I recently joked with a friend about a great idea he had come up with. He literally launched a new nationwide ministry to business leaders and influencers sitting at a table eating pizza at Dominos. I kidded about how such a great and obviously God inspired idea came out of the midst of all the other scary things in his head. In reality I know he ponders the things of God regularly. It was out of that fertile soil of godly thoughts that this amazing ministry was birthed. There is a deeply felt need for positive, true, but positive thinking these days. God tells us in a number of places that our thoughts determine our actions and ultimately who we are. He encourages us to control our thinking and direct our mind to those things that will make us positive influencers in our journey. In computer programming language it used to be known as “GIGO” – garbage in garbage out. What you feed your mind is what comes out in your life. Today, set your mind on the things of God and become more like His son, Jesus. #BeTheEdge
“Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” Colossians 3:2 NASB